In the unlikely event of death by Unknown Condition of a family member of any of our community member or of acquaintance HACO will:
- Facilitate the end to end process.
- Donate Grave from the existing available graves.
- Will cover the funeral costs by making payment to the funeral service providers.
- Will donate Kafan & other items that go into the grave.
- In rare conditions were the body needs to be shipped overseas HACO will help raise funds and assist the deceased’s family in facilitating & expediting the process.
Law Enforcement Agencies Consultation:
This is a case of unnatural death were law enforcement agencies are involved HACO will bridge the gap between community & law enforcement agencies by community representation
- We are in consultation with Victoria Police Priority Communities Division, which meets with peak bodies and community stakeholder organisations on a quarterly basis through formal ‘Portfolio Reference Groups’ in understanding & developing process that we need to follow in case of an unknown death condition.
- Please visit the below link for further details.
Availability Check:
- To check for available graves in cemeteries of your choice or closest to your home please visit Graves Map.
- To check for location of Kafan Reserve closest to your home please visit Kafan Reserve Map.
- To check for list of all Funeral Service Providers catering to an Islamic burial in Australia accessible at one-point visit List of Funeral Services.
- To check for Ghusl Service Providers of your choice or closest to your home please visit Ghusl Providers.
- For additional resources on burial processes & formalities visit our resource library.
- HACO has developed flow charts to the make process simple & smooth with generic research, consultation of authorities & other online resources. The information provided is for generic information & guidance only & any decisions made should be done in full consultations with the authorised authorities & due legal consultation. HACO is not responsible in any manner or form for any outcomes for decisions taken on the information provided.
- We will be updating processes as we learn on the go.