E-mail: info@haco.org.au   

HACO’s mission is to provide a dignified burial to any of our community member in the unlikely event of tragic death.

  • We at HACO believe that life is filled with surprises. Quite often we get situations that we are not prepared for and life tests us.
  •  We at HACO strongly believe that we need to be prepared to face life when it throws adversity at us bravely and in a pragmatic way.
  •  HACO has been working hard in developing process, mechanism  and infrastructure to face any such situation faced by any of our community member
  •  If ever life throws an unlikely event of crisis at you or any of your known contact please feel free to call us on 1300 486 928.

HACO is building a database of donors who have got graves that can be donated in case of emergency for families going through financial stress. HACO also generates funds from the organisation & within in the community to bear the end to end cost of burial for families who are going through financial stress. HACO will provide assistance as soon as possible to address a range of issues that you may not have considered.

HACO primary objective is to support the deceased’s family in the event of crisis to cope with the situation and help pass the painful journey with community support and ensure a dignified burial of the deceased, assist support & stand with any member of the community & their families in adverse situations to face adversity bravely, pragmatically in a dignified manner:

  • Irrespective of his/her membership with our organisation.
  • Irrespective of his/her School of thought.
  • Irrespective of his/her Religious & Social Affiliation.
  • Irrespective of his/her Financial Situations.
  • Irrespective of his/her Social Acquaintance.


Disclaimer: We are not an authority. We are not a funeral services company. The information provided is based on our generic research, consultation of authorities & other online resources. The information provided is for generic information & guidance only & any decisions made should be done in full consultations with the authorities & due legal consultation. HACO is not responsible in any manner or form for any outcomes for decisions taken on the information provided.